
The Dashboard is the first page users see when they login. This provides a high level overview of the payouts in the system and items that require action.

Note: Only admins will have access to the "Admin" section in the left navigation.

Payouts Summary

This section provides a quick-glance summary of payouts with statuses that have been updated in the last 30 days. This includes the number of Payouts that are "Completed", "Pending", and "Failed".

  • Completed - This represents Payouts that have been successfully redeemed.
  • Pending - This includes any Payouts that have not yet been redeemed.
  • Failed - This includes Payouts that were unsuccessful and will require assistance in order to proceed. Payouts that have failed will have one of the following statuses:
    • Failed to Send - This status indicates that the recipient submitted a Payout, but a failure was encountered after the submission.
    • Failed to Process - This status indicates that the recipient attempted to complete the Payout but was unable to. One reason for this is that they had too many unsuccessful verification attempts and, as a result, were prevented from proceeding. A Payout in this status is considered "unrecoverable" and a new one must be created.

Clicking the "View All" button will direct portal users to a pre-filtered list of payout records where additional detail on the payouts can be viewed.

Action Center

The Action Center provides visibility into batches and payouts that are immediately actionable and time sensitive.

Recent Batches With Errors

This section displays any batches that have had at least one ingest error an error in the last 7 days. These include:

  • Batches where there were validation issues preventing the creation of some (or all) records
  • Batches that contain records that experienced some type of processing error

Clicking the "View All" button will direct users to a pre-filtered list of payout records where additional detail on the payouts can be viewed.

Payouts Recently Expired

This section displays Payouts that have expired in the last 7 days so that Client Portal users will know that a new Payout will need to be created.

Clicking the "View All" button will direct users to a pre-filtered list of payout records where additional detail on the payouts can be viewed.

Payouts Expiring Soon

This section displays Payouts that will be expiring in the next 7 days so that users can proactively reach out to recipients and help ensure they submit their Payout before it expires.

Admins can access available actions for a payout directly in this tab:

  • Resend Payout Email
  • Cancel Payout

Clicking the "View All" button will direct users to a pre-filtered list of payout records where additional detail on the payouts can be viewed.