What is the Client Portal?
The Client Portal provides a user-friendly interface that will enable your internal teams to proactively support customers via:
- Increased Visibility into the Status of Payout Requests - View a full list of payouts and their current status
- Search, sort, and filter data to quickly find relevant records
- Export data to CSV
- Quick Actions to Address Common Support Needs - Take action on "pending" payouts to help provide a seamless experience for recipients
- Cancel payouts if recipients prefer to receive a check
- Easily resend an introduction email with a recipients payout link
- High Level Metrics
- Quick glance view of total "Completed", "Pending", and "Failed" payouts
- Condensed view of actionable and time-sensitive records
- See payouts that are expiring within the next 7 days
- See payouts that have expired within the previous 7 days
- Easily Growing Your Support Team - Add new team members to the client portal as your needs scale
- Admin and team member accounts available to ensure data stays secure
Updated 7 months ago