Status Report

The Payout Status Report is a CSV report that is sent to you on a daily basis. This report is generated at 6am EST and includes information about all pending and recently completed Payouts. The report can be consumed via SFTP or email attachment.

Naming convention



Company nameDateStatus Report File name
Acme01 Jan 2023 6:00:00 AM ESTAcme_ReadyRemit_TransferRequest_Status_Report_20230101110000.csv
Acme Tech01 Jan 2023 6:30:00 PM ESTAcme_Tech_ReadyRemit_TransferRequest_Status_Report_20230101233000.csv


ISO-8601 Date format

The timestamp on the file is ISO-8601 compliant and will always be in UTC (GMT-0) time.


ColumnDescriptionData typeExample
Reference numberUnique ID used to reference the Transfer Request. This value is generated by you and sent to Latitude in the Transfer Request Data File.Text (1-50)ABC123456
First NameGiven name of the recipient.Text (1-50)Josef
Last NameSurname of the recipient.Text (1-50)Martinez
Second Last NameMaternal or second last name of the recipient.Text (1-50)Jiminez
StatusStatus of the Transfer Request. See the Status section below for a complete list of possible statuses.Text (1-50)PENDING
Transfer MethodSelected method of Transfer.
Note: some transfer methods might not be handled by Latitude.
Text (1-50PUSH_TO_CARD
Payout AmountTotal amount of the original Payout in a decimal normalized format.Decimal (1-9999999)100.70
Payout Amount CurrencyCurrency of the original Payout.ISO-3USD
Processed DateThe date with which the transfer of payment was processed.

This value will be empty if not applicable.
ISO-8601 date in UTC2023-01-01T00:00:00.000
Submitted DateDate the user completed the Payout flow and a Transfer was initiated.

This value will be empty if not applicable.
ISO-8601 date in UTC2023-01-01T00:00:00.000
Canceled DateDate the Payout was canceled.

This value will be empty if not applicable.
ISO-8601 date in UTC2023-01-01T00:00:00.000
Expiration DateDate the Payout will expire and need to be re-submitted to Latitude.ISO-8601 date in UTC2023-01-01T00:00:00.000
Reason DescriptionReason for the Payout cancelation.

This value will be empty if not applicable.
Text (1-200)Canceled by request of the customer
Received AmountTotal amount actually sent to be collected by the consumer/end user in the desired currency.

This value can be subject to foreign taxes and fees before being delivered.
Decimal (1-9999999)100.50
Received Amount CurrencyCurrency of the received amount.ISO-3USD
Supplemental Information 1Additional field for notes for cross reference.Text (1-50)This is an example
Supplemental Information 2Additional field for notes for cross reference.Text (1-50)This is an example

Transfer Request Statuses

PENDINGThe payout was received and successfully ingested by Latitude but the recipient hasn't completed the flow and received funds yet.
SUBMITTEDThe payout flow was completed by the recipient and transfer has been created in the Latitude system.
EXPIREDThe payout was not completed by the recipient prior to the expiration date.
CANCELEDThe payout was canceled. A payout can be canceled by a user requesting a check in the flow (if enabled), via our Cancel Transfer Request API endpoint, or by contacting Brightwell support.
FAILED_TO_PROCESSThe payout failed during the recipient flow. The reason for the failure will be included in the "Reason Description" column.

Included data

The Status Report will include all Payouts that meet the following criteria:

  • The Payout is in the PENDING state.
  • The Payout is in the SUBMITTED state AND the Payout was in a non-submitted state in the previous Status Report.
  • The Payout is in the CANCELED state AND the disbursement was in a non-canceled state in the previous Status Report.
  • The Payout is in the EXPIRED state AND the Payout was in a non-expired state in the previous Status Report.



Payouts in the SUBMITTED, CANCELED, or EXPIRED states will only appear on the Status Report once. The Payout record will then be omitted from all future reports. In order to re-process a failed or expired Payout, a new Payout record must be submitted in a new Data File.


The Status Report will be sent on a daily basis at 11:00AM UTC (6:00AM EST) every day of the year regardless of weekends or holidays.


Reference Number,First Name,Last Name,Second Last Name,Status,Transfer Method,Transfer Request Amount,Transfer Request Amount Currency,Processed Date,Submitted Date,Canceled Date,Expiration Date,Reason Description,Received Amount,Received Amount Currency,Supplemental Information 1,Supplemental Information 2