Getting Started

What is Latitude?

Latitude is Brightwell's Business to Consumer (B2C) product which accelerates complex refunds, corporate disbursements, reimbursements, and other payouts to your consumers. With Brightwell's remittance aggregation capabilities at its core, Latitude gives consumers choices, and gives you visibility and control over their payments.

How does it work?

Your consumer is owed a refund, disbursement, reimbursement or any kind of B2C payment. That payment is communicated to the Latitude system (via API or SFTP batch file) in the form of a "payout." Upon successful creation of the Payout, a unique URL is created and shared with the consumer. The Payout URL will provide your consumer with a branded, compliant, cross-border payment flow that allows them to specify their preference on where and how funds should be delivered to them. Latitude performs the transfer of funds from a pre-funded account for the program and provides reporting visibility for you on the status of each payout.

Latitude integration options?

Latitude offers two integration options: REST API, or batch files sent via SFTP.

Low code integration via batch files

Batch File Integration Overview

Integrating with Latitude via the low-code batch files provides flexibility, lower cost, and a potentially quicker path to market for you and your consumers. The batch process is made up of 3 individual files:

  • Batch Ingest Data File (Customer inbound to Latitude) - Consists of an Excel (.xlsx) file in the Latitude standardized format that contains recipient data necessary to generate Payouts.
    • Standardized templated Excel (.xlsx) file.
    • Uploaded via Brightwell provided SFTP directory.
    • Can be automated or manually generated by your team whenever convenient. There is no minimum or maximum size to the number of records that can be sent in a single batch file.
  • Response File (Latitude outbound to customer) - The output of the Batch Ingest Data File is a comma delimited text file containing the generated Transfer Request URL for each Payout row in the data file. This URL will be provided to the consumer to access and collect their payment.
    • Response file is delivered to the designated SFTP directory.
    • You consume the contents of this file to obtain the Payout URL that needs to be provided to each consumer to complete their payment.
    • Contains error messaging for any Payouts that failed to be created due to validation errors.
  • Daily Status Report (Latitude outbound to customer) - A daily scheduled report that is generated containing all pending Payouts as well as any Payouts that entered an end state in the last 24 hours since the last file generation.
    • Provides daily reporting which contains all open payouts and status changes.
    • This is a changes only file as payouts that change to an end state will only appear once.
    • Used to reconcile your CRM and report settlements to your finance teams.


Canceling a payout

A payout can be canceled via the client portal. To learn more click here.

Reasons to cancel a payout:

  • You want to pay a user outside of Latitude and need to have the request canceled so they can not get paid twice.
  • The payout has incorrect data and needs to be canceled so that you can generate a new request with the correct data.

Self-service cancelation is also available via our RESTful API Integration.

RESTful API Integration

API Integration Overview

Integrating with Latitude via our RESTful API offers a robust, on-demand, and light-weight solution to data integration with your CRM system. Your team will be able to:

Create an array of payouts via an on demand endpoint.

  • Cancel a payout without Brightwell support in the event you need to provide a payment outside of Latitude.
  • Get the status of all payouts on demand.
  • Utilize Latitude's status webhook to get near-time notifications of status changes.


Latitude is a fully white labeled product and offers a wide range of branding customization to provide as close to a seamless experience as possible.
